[Harp-L] Fwd: Seydel low F

Steve Shaw moorcot@xxxxx
Wed Mar 1 13:38:19 EST 2023

 Don't be too hasty in criticising Ron's playing, Bob. When Session Steels first came out a number of years ago, I bought two low Ds. Neither of them survived a single pub session. A friend who also invested in two at my behest had exactly the same experience.  My SP20s, which I used more than any other harp at that time, would easily last me a year before a reed went south, and I found (and still find) that the Suzuki harps with braised-on reeds and Lee Oskars to be bombproof. I'm a gentle sort of chap whose harps last me well. One would hope that things have improved by now...


Steve Shaw
>> On Mar 1, 2023, at 10:31 AM, Barbeque Bob Maglinte <barbequebobmaglinte at xxxxx> wrote:
>> Ron Burton, stainless steel reeds are an extremely tough metal and if
>> you're able to blow them out quick, the problem is NOT the h armonica at
>> all and unfortunately, the real problem you have is something you clearly
>> aren't addressing at all and that's the amount of breath force you're
>> playing with and it's clearly obvious that you're playing them way too
>> hard, especially during the note bending process, where that problem always
>> gets a helluva lot worse. In fact, the large box of blown out harps is
>> giving you that very same message and so you need to dial it back at least
>> 50% or it's gonna get worse and it will follow you with whatever harp you
>> intend to buy no matter what. Based on gigging at least 4-8+++ nights per
>> month usage, if you dial back the breath force, the minimum amount of time
>> a stainless steel reed harp should last is TWO YEARS and with brass reeds
>> it's one year.  BTW, if I remember correctly, Seydels are warrantied for
>> two years. Time to stop blaming the harmonicas and work more on playing
>> with a softer breath force.
>>> On Tue, Feb 28, 2023 at 4:39 PM Gary Lehmann <gnarlyheman at xxxxx> wrote:
>>> Try a low F Manji, one year warranty!
>>> Sent from my iPad
>>>> On Feb 28, 2023, at 1:28 PM, Steve Shaw <moorcot at xxxxx> wrote:
>>>> At least 25 years ago I bought a Lee Oskar low F. It's far from my
>>> most-used harp, admittedly, but it's still going strong, and I suppose that
>>> the spare set of reed plates I bought for it,  just in case, will have to
>>> go in my will...
>>>> Steve Shaw (stayin' alive!)

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