[Harp-L] Suzuki SUB-30 & "Double Reed" bends

Tom Halchak info@xxxxx
Tue Aug 22 12:57:11 EDT 2023

So far, nobody has got it quite right when describing how a SUB-30 works.

SUB-30s 30 reeds (hence the name SUB 30) on two reed plates.  The top reed
plate has 20 reeds and the bottom reed plate has 10 reeds. The additional
reeds on the top plate are referred to as Sympathetic reeds or Extra Reeds,
which is where Brendan Power got the name for his custom SUB-30s.  The
lower six chambers have 2 blow reeds and 1 draw reed.  The upper four
chambers have 1 blow reed and 2 draw reeds.  X-Reed Harmonicas.  Part of
the genius of the SUB-30 is that it is set up just like any other Richter
Tuned harmonica.  Same blow draw breath pattern.  Same draw bends.  Same
blow bends.  The difference between a SUB-30 and a standard Richter Tuned
harmonica is that you can blow bend on the lower six chambers and draw bend
on the top four chambers.  You cannot overblow or overdraw on a SUB-30.  A
standard SUB-30 has 10 valves installed on the bottom reed plate, which
enable you to control the airflow to the proper reed.  I make a component
that I call an External Valve Plate that adds 10 more valves to the SUB-30,
which dramatically improves the response.

Regarding double reed bends.  Double reed bends are hardly exclusive to the
SUB-30.  Any time we bend the pitch on an unvalved harmonica, we engage the
reed on the opposite plate, hence all bends are actually doube reed bends.

Hope this helps.

*Tom Halchak*
*Blue Moon Harmonicas LLC*
*P.O. Box 14401 Clearwater, FL 33766*

*www.BlueMoonHarmonicas.com <http://www.BlueMoonHarmonicas.com>**Blue Moon
on Facebook* <http://www.facebook.com/BlueMoonHarmonicas>
*(727) 366-2608*

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