[Harp-L] questions about Hohner's various tuning schemes for diatonic harps - Harmonica Einstein's Tuning Table

Gary Lehmann gnarlyheman@xxxxx
Wed Dec 11 11:37:35 EST 2019

Worth sharing just for Steve Baker’s words!

Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 11, 2019, at 8:27 AM, Barbeque Bob Maglinte <barbequebobmaglinte at xxxxx> wrote:
> I already have a list of tunings for many diatonic harmonicas and anything
> you don't see listed is tuned to equal temperament and below is the link:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CZWJlCwLLYYqX-o31sZS2bXqCOfh0LRE1NX5tjomhkU/edit?usp=sharing
>> On Wed, Dec 11, 2019 at 6:54 AM captron100--- via Harp-L <harp-l at xxxxx>
>> wrote:
>>  A friend just posted on Facebook a stocking stuffer idea for people who
>> tune their harmonicas. The tool is called "Harmonica Einstein's Tuning
>> Table". In addition to being a handy tool to support the reeds while you
>> work, it comes with a chart of tuning offsets for 12 different types of
>> diatonics, plus one tuning scheme for chromatics. To see this, go to
>> http://tuningtable.com, then open the link that says, "Instructions and
>> Links".   The chart of the tuning offsets for the various harps is
>> interesting. I'm surprised at some of them, e.g., every single note, both
>> blow and draw, of Golden Melodies are tuned +8. I'm curious why Hohner
>> would tune their modular system (MS) harps different in any way than they
>> tune regular non MS Marine Bands; or why Hohner would tune Special 20's
>> differently than regular Marine Bands.  Another question: What is the
>> difference between the two harps that they are calling "MS Richter Tuning"
>> and "MS Models"?  Thanks in advance, Ron - FL Keys

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