[Harp-L] Harp-L Digest, Vol 182, Issue 23

Michael Rubin michaelrubinharmonica@xxxxx
Tue Oct 30 12:31:40 EDT 2018

Great to clear the air.  I will now proceed to act under the assumption
that you like me fine and like it when we rib each other.

Virtual hug.

I have no idea why the overblow note is higher than the built in notes.
The physics of music confound me.

On Tue, Oct 30, 2018 at 11:23 AM The Iceman via Harp-L <harp-l at xxxxx>

> That guy who plays drums and harmonica at the same time sez:
> <<When you play in the key of G blues  on a C harmonica, you are using the
> myxolidian scale.>>
> I think John means that when he plays in the key of G blues on a C
> harmonica, he uses the mixolydian scale.
> He does....I do not. Others do not as well, going beyond the pale seeing
> as how this is the new wave of diatonic players these days!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Frazer <harmonicajohns at xxxxx>

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