[Harp-L] Which key ? Bandoneon Sound

aolmos@xxxxx aolmos@xxxxx
Sat Mar 25 17:22:43 EDT 2017

Hi Mustafa - 

I'm far from being an expert on the subject, but based on my experience the chromatic harmonica is the way to go. I'm sure there are plenty of exceptions but  Hugo Diaz is the grandfather of the style and he played chromatic harmonicas. Contemporary players like Franco Luciani, Joe Powers, Antonio Serrano and Martin Allegro also play the chromatic harmonica.  If you are interested in  Libertango, Martin Allegro has a great solo version in his "Solo Armonica" cd, plus he teaches harmonica online.


> Message: 8
> Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2017 19:49:48 +0300
> From: Mustafa Umut Sarac <mustafaumutsarac at xxxxx>
> To: "harp-l at xxxxx" <harp-l at xxxxx>
> Subject: [Harp-L] Which key ? Bandoneon Sound - Lee Oscar Natural
> 	Minor Diatonic
> Message-ID:
> 	<CA+KBABrc_zH89rvnJNnGKM=J3oP6AZ-sAX1OLnDLYVY8chrqaA at xxxxx>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Hello there,
> After years of swirling in internet like a fool , I returned to my quest to
> play tango with harmonica which sounded like an bandoneon.
> I dont know nothing about music theory and I cant say which note plays at
> the radio.
> I want to have a natural minor tuned diatonic harmonica but there are lots
> of keys.
> Lets say I want to play Liber Tango from Argentina. Which key I should buy ?
> Last question , Do I really get bandoneon sound with above Lee Oskar or
> should I find a chromatic from china or cheapest one to close the holes
> with my tongue.and get octave apart sound.
> Lee Oscar goes from 40 dollars and is there good quality non china
> chromatic ?
> Which is sounds  better,for bandoneon, Oscar or Chromatic ?
> Thank you,
> Mustafa Umut Sarac
> Istanbul

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