[Harp-L] Any LA Harmonica Players Interested in auditioning for a Super Bowl Sunday shoot?

David Naiditch davidnaiditch@xxxxx
Wed Jan 25 17:10:51 EST 2017

According to the producer of the commercial, players "will need to be available all three days – Thursday, Feb. 2nd day rehearsal; Friday, Feb. 3rd day rehearsal; and Super Bowl Sunday Shoot.  They are paying on-camera principal SAG scale for the two (2) rehearsal days and paying SAG OCP double-scale on Super Bowl Sunday shoot.”  I know little else.  If you are interested, email me offline and I’ll forward to the commercial producer.  I turned down this opportunity, and they need more harmonica players to audition.  From the soundtrack they provided, it should be easy for a good diatonic player. No music reading required. Extra bonus if you look like a cowboy or cowgirl.  

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