[Harp-L] Free harp software and SPAH presentation
Shirley, John
Fri Jul 8 17:14:12 EDT 2016
Thanks, Owen.
That seems to be Apple’s way of discouraging 3rd party developers from choosing not to release through them. (To be fair, though, it’s also a stated security measure).
David Barrett was actually the first to discover that message a couple months back, and it’s what he’s referring to on the Bluesharmonica.com <http://bluesharmonica.com/> download page when he says:
(If you receive a warning message you may need to go to System Preferences > Security > Allow apps downloaded from: “Anywhere")
Let me know if you try that and still have any issues installing the app.
And thanks for pointing this out; I’m sure it is a problem others may need clarification on!
- John
John Shirley - Professor of Music
UMass Lowell
> On Jul 8, 2016, at 3:39 PM, Owen Evans <owenpevans at xxxxx> wrote:
> Thankyou. I downloaded the app twice for my iMac and both times, I received a message that said the app was corrupt; would not open and to put it in the Trash. I hope this is useful to you?
> Owen
>> On Jul 8, 2016, at 2:08 PM, Shirley, John <John_Shirley at xxxxx <mailto:John_Shirley at xxxxx>> wrote:
>> Hey all.
>> I’m writing to let you know that my new app, The Blue Dadi, is now available for download from Bluesharmonica.com <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__bluesharmonica.com&d=CwMFaQ&c=lqHimbpwJeF7VTDNof4ddl8H-RbXeAdbMI2MFE1TXqA&r=B1GwiLT-Zt1KywUIAUsabra_vHLutl-s8Zr7tiZjwOk&m=bR8hD2D2xOpnMTugea-eI_tDz1ax-QKOEnBi7yDK-ws&s=OTi_-RTzIIyi3N9QG601qKEe0jK2cq0n77Wq4DXWzFc&e=>… for free!!!
>> There are two video tutorials and a pdf manual there as well.
>> http://www.bluesharmonica.com/bluedadi_harmonica_recording_software <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.bluesharmonica.com_bluedadi-5Fharmonica-5Frecording-5Fsoftware&d=CwMFaQ&c=lqHimbpwJeF7VTDNof4ddl8H-RbXeAdbMI2MFE1TXqA&r=B1GwiLT-Zt1KywUIAUsabra_vHLutl-s8Zr7tiZjwOk&m=bR8hD2D2xOpnMTugea-eI_tDz1ax-QKOEnBi7yDK-ws&s=zlzNz-QhUgjKc7JczK-yXB9jNjyraYVAOzQSVzBYc48&e=>
>> The Blue Dadi is a freeware application (for OSX and/or Windows) that offers amp and delay fx emulation, plus a nice recording window with a bunch of cool features. It is intended to aid in the practice and study of blues and/or rock harmonica, but I’m sure some may find other uses….
>> I have also posted a quick video demo of me using the app on my YouTube channel. While you’re there, feel free to check out my other videos and subscribe if you’d like to stay updated on new posts.
>> https://youtu.be/YEQX2808GbA
>> Also, I will be presenting on the app, as well as a few computer and iOS applications for getting blues and rock tone, at SPAH (Thursday morning). Come on by if you’re around!
>> - John
>> John Shirley - Professor of Music
>> UMass Lowell
> Owen P. Evans
> Ottawa, Ontario.
> 613-829-9139
> <PastedGraphic-1.tiff>
> Da blues’ll take ya from hurtin’ to healin’.
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