[Harp-L] Re: New harp setup service (was D harps)
Joe, I have one of your custom harps and I know how,good your work is. This is just a hobby for me and I wouldn't expect you to waste your time trying to explain to me what you do. I'm just hoping to make a D that I like, for a change.
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> On Feb 10, 2016, at 11:20 PM, Joe Spiers <harpwrench@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I've recently started offering basic repairs, and performance improvements focusing on what matters most instead of relying on full custom harp orders alone. I'm looking forward to helping more players with what they need and can afford. But that's a two way street. I ask that you chose a service from my menu, and just do it. You'll be happy. I only earn money when my hands are on a harp, and can't afford to chat about it unless something isn't clearly explained.
> New sp20's make for very fine playing harmonicas when the problems are fixed, and reeds properly set up. The stock comb works great and definitely isn't degrading your 3 draw.
> Here's the link to my service menu, thanks for the bandwidth.
> http://www.spiersharmonicas.com/services/
> Joe
>> On Feb 10, 2016, at 5:39 PM, Steve Webb <swebb@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> I have always disliked D harps, and esp Hohners with the shorter reeds. I can never make them play like I want. So, I got some SP20 combs from Blue Moon and a new harp. I am going to see what I can do.
>> But the new SP 20 is really not good right out of the box. 3 draw bends are murder and the rest of the harp is very unresponsive. I hope this will be worth the time and effort and will take any suggestions that would ease my pain.
>> Thanks.
>> Steve in Minn.
>> Ps..I know how to gap and emboss and usually am satisfied with my other harps.
>> Sent from my iPad
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