[Harp-L] Speakers., video's plug

I've found over the many years of speaker blending that one 50 or 75 watt  
ceramic speaker will not break up naturally like two alnico tens or a less  
wattage ceramic and a ten will. I emailed Ross personally but maybe there 
are  others with PA heads that may find it useful for whatever it's worth. 
Ceramic's  are more efficient, will feed back faster and just won't give like 
pushing two  10's to nearly their limits. The old saying an amp sounds best 
right before it  blows up really has some truth to it, as driving two 20 watt 
alnico's will put  them into natural break up which is the sound most 
Chicago style players respond  to best. Even though it is rated at 50 watts 
unless using an AFB device you  aren't going to be using all that wattage as it 
will feed back certainly before  getting to 10 on the volume. If you have a 
circuit that is distorted, different  than natural break up, and you just 
want that signal to be as loud as possible  then a high wattage speaker will do 
that for you. 
If you go with alnico's and don't have vintage ones, weber makes great  
speakers; a ribbed one will be more projective but will feed back quicker  than 
a smooth cone which has a more rounded tone, an H dustcap filters  out the 
high highs so depending on what tone you want use this a guideline if  it's 
I will be posting more videos on you tube as a preparation for anyone  
attending the seminar at Spah and for anyone interested in Sonny's style, how he 
 did some of the things he did such as his trill, playing two notes 
together with  one dominant as in his many intro's as well as his playing, using 
the throat and  diaphragm will be in next series. How to move past using your 
tongue and  cheeks pulling in to using the throat and diaphragm for deeper 
tone still in the  pucker style is a key element to getting closer to his 
sound, with the intent of  these being to lay a foundation so we can move into 
more details at the seminar  which I want to work one on one as much as 
possible in. This first video is the  John Henry version with the quick tempo 
that is seen on you tube with Sonny,  Brownie and Woody Guthrie in a barn, 
looks like 40's for sure. The other videos  will be more towards some of the 
basic techniques he did and probably should  have been put up first, I just 
wanted to get something up there of my playing  currently as it's been a long 
time. The house is empty so is quite bright and I  use a special 20 which 
also is robust, so pardon any ears being hurt. 
I'll post a link to them once my wife completes the transfer process. 
All the best
Sonny Jr. 

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