[Harp-L] Re: Wood combs and Hohner
Hi George
I am aware of the Discovery but don't want a plastic mouthpiece.
Here's my situation. I play chromatic harp in the augmented tuning (lowest
not is low E). I have a few harps in this tuning but none which I like more
than those Michael Timler built for me when HarpOnline was still in
business. He built me a harp in my tuning using 260 parts and an
acrylic comb that he milled. The reeds were all riveted to the plates and
the right reed was used for each pitch (ie no soldering or excessive
scratching). I get 3 1/3 octaves with my tuning in this 10 hole harp.
The harps are great but showing wear so I need to find replacements.
I had hoped that by now Seydel would have had the reed stock needed to
build me a Saxony in my tuning but despite the projections made by Seydel
this stock is still not available. Love the Saxony so I am disappointed.
The Seydel Deluxe is available in my tuning but I don't want to play a
Deluxe unless that because my only choice. I don't like the slider setup.
So that's my situation.
If you can build me the harp I need I would be delighted!
On Saturday, July 18, 2015, George Miklas <harmonicat@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Dan
> Hohner has a plastic comb. It is the standard comb for the Discovery 48.
> While the D48 is only available in the key of C at this time, I can build
> any key with 270 reed plates specially fitted, drilled and tapped.
> George
> On Saturday, July 18, 2015, Dan <macaroni9999@xxxxxxxxx
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','macaroni9999@xxxxxxxxx');>> wrote:
>> Note to Hohner: Please offer plastic combs for your Chromonica line of
>> chromatic harps. I will never own a wood combed chromatic.
>> Thank you.
>> Sent from my iPhone
> --
> Harmonicas <http://www.HarmonicaGallery.com/hohner> ââ *HARMONICA
> REPAIR* Done Right by George <http://harmonicagallery.com/repair> ââ Used
> / Refurbished <http://www.HarmonicaGallery.com/contact>
> - *GEORGE MIKLAS* Harmonica Performing Artist and Entertainer
> <http://www.harmonicagallery.com/home1> and member of Old Time
> Country Music Hall Of Fame (NTCMA.net) *HARMONICA WIZARD MARCH
> <http://www.HarmonicaGallery.com/sousa>* by John Philip Sousa
> - *SOCIETY *for the *PRESERVATION *and *ADVANCEMENT* of the
> *HARMONICA **SPAH *- <http://spah.org/>*a non-profit, membership
> organization dedicated to serving the harmonica community.
> <http://spah.org/>*
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