Re: [Harp-L] Slide lubricants - food grade grease (NSF 51/61)
So, we know that lubricants are generally a bad idea for the reasons Winslow mentions (as I've been hearing for years from various pros who recommend the "1 drop of water" solution) and that Hohner (and probably other manufacturers) use lubricants at the factory anyway -- I'm assuming because without it, the slide will freeze up much faster than it would otherwise.
There are 3 slide chromatics that I'm aware of that don't tend to have sticky-slide problems:
1) CX-12
2) CBH 12 or 16 (no longer manufactured)
3) Bends Tonica (which has a teflon-coated slide, no longer manufactured)
Well, at least we have choices ;-).
- Slim.
On Nov 13, 2014, at 10:21 AM, Winslow Yerxa wrote:
> Almost anything you can put on slide that won't evaporate has the potential to:
> 1) Attract dust and other undesired particles;
> 2) creep into the harmonica and stick to the valves, potentially sticking valve layers together and sticking the valve to the reedplate.
> Additional downsides can include rancidity, toxicity, etc.
> Some folks report good results with various lubricants, but I'd err on the side of caution.
> Winslow
> zzzzzz
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