[Harp-L] Harmonica and Sheet-Music [Updated]

One useful trick[*] for learning to use real musical score with the diatonic harmonica is to switch to the "G-Major" (G3) tuned harmonica; the central octave of the standard "C" tuned harmonica starts at the high part of the treble clef and makes using of most musical score somewhat more difficult for beginners; the central octave of the "G3" tuned harmonica starts conveniently near the bottom of the treble clef.

After sufficient practice according to musical score with the "G" tuned harmonica then the performer can easily switch to any other key of harmonica and use the same musical score and the same patterns (as though playing on the "G" tuned harmonica) via listening for the melody and intervals instead of the exact frequencies of the various notes.

Many popular tunes are scored in "G" using of the "F#" which is normally at 7-draw on the "G" harmonica, but would the "F" be natural on the score then the performer can bend the 7-draw to near the lower semi-tone; on the "C" harmonica that would be similar to bending to near the "Bb" at 7-draw.

With use of a valve on 7-blow hole then the 7-draw can be fully bent, but on an instruments without the valve on 7-blow then the draw bent note might just reach 80% close to the lower semi-tone [around 20 cents higher]; that difference is acceptable in many situations; I have often used of the 7-draw bent to near "Bb" in "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" and have not heard any complaints.

[*]This trick is primarily for performing in the first-position; in fact, many first-position performers should be learning on the "G-Major" harmonica instead of the "C-Major".

/Neil Ashby (" http://thebuskingproject.com/busker/2025/ ")

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