[Harp-L] Richter > Nm / MM > Spiral

If you have added Lee Oskar's Natural Minor and Melody Maker to your
standard kit, I think you will LOVE Spiral!

I am able to explore and play more freely, enjoying the music instead of
dealing with hardware challenges. I have more joy, and less fear of really
making a goober during an improvised solo! I am more willing to take some
creative chances. Gotta love THAT.

If you enjoy 3rd, 4th, or 5P minor pentatonic jams you will REALLY like
spiral because it is a regular pattern with no pot holes to fall into.

Spiral offers on ONE harp -
3 major keys - positions 1, 2, 12
3 minor keys - positions 3, 4, 5

Nearly chromatic with 9 out of 12 semitones and with only half-step draw
Can you imagine being on the spot with just ONE of these in your pocket?
What a great tool!

**Here are Six short FREE videos get you started: http://trix.ws/RG02m
Spiral Seydels from Rockin Ron

The fundamental major scale of Spiral starts on Draw 2 (Example = C)
But Seydel names the harp by its Blow 1 pitch (for this harp = G) four
scale steps below. (Why? "TRADITION!")

To choose the right key you will need to know the note in D2
Seydel Spiral C plays the F fundamental scale, counting four scale steps UP.

(If you mistakenly buy the wrong one, DON'T worry. It plays in 6 keys,
remember? Good.)

Robert Hale
Spiral Advocate (ok, then, Fanatic!)
Learn Harmonica by Webcam

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