Re: [Harp-L] Replacement Reeds Question

In most instances you should be able to replace reed plates with those for the same make/model harp.  The economics of mass production favor the use of one comb design for different keys of the same make/model harp.  

The global scope of your question makes it difficult to give a yes/no answer.   Somewhere there could be a contrary case. You don’t give the make/model of the harp in question or even whether it is a diatonic or chromatic.


On May 6, 2014, at 3:35 PM, j r <jr_parker_jr@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> If I have a D harp but want to (for whatever reason) put different key reedplates in (ie. put A reedplates into my D covers), are there any foreseeable problems?  I tried to find the answer myself, but couldn't find a post on point.  Thanks for any help.
> -JR

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