[Harp-L] Problem when playing harps not in C

I don't think ear playing is the problem.  I think that thinking note names
instead of hearing the sounds is the problem.  A chromatic is one answer,
if you have perfect pitch and find that you cannot shift scales.

Setting perfect pitch aside, if have relative pitch and a sense of the
intervals in the scale, you can learn to orient yourself to the scale of
any keyed instrument.

I play keyed chromatics as well as all keys of diatonics.  I can play the
same songs with the same intervals, using the same blow/draw patterns on
the same holes on different keyed instruments.  Some songs I can play in
different positions/ keys on any given harp.  This is not some specialized
talent.  It can be learned, and many people can do this.

In my experience (yours may vary) what I found was that I needed to orient
myself to the different key/pitch of the instrument before attempting to
play the song.  I would play a major scale in the key of the harp, for
example using holes 4 through 7, running up and down once or twice.  This
would establish the key of the instrument in my mind.  Not naming the
notes, HEARING the notes of the scale.  Solfege.  After orienting myself, I
could then proceed and play the song in that key.  I orient to the
instrument much more quickly now, taking only a few seconds.

When I was in 4th through 8th grade I played Bb clarinet.  The music was
written as though you were playing a C instrument, but when you played in
so-called "C" your music was really in Bb.  Keyed harps are very similar to

It is a mental adjustment.  If you orient to the scale of the instrument by
running up and down a major scale, and then just think of the melody in
your head, you will find your way.

It is really useful to be able to do this.  When you play with others they
may play a song in a different key than the one you learned.  You can just
change keys of harps, and automatically transpose.  It is sort of like
using a capo on a guitar to change keys.

If you have perfect pitch, or want to learn to read music in different keys
from sheet music, then get one key of chromatic and learn to read.  The
notes will always be in the same place.  It won't be as easy to transpose,

Good Luck!  Have fun!

Doug S.

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