[Harp-L] Re: Your favorite harp mic?

Selecting music gear, be it a microphone, amp, pedal, cable or  instrument 
is indeed a subjective process.  Personal tastes vary  greatly, even between 
great world class players.  The old saw about  one man's treasure is 
applicable here.  
Seeking recommendations on forums like harp-l is a valid way to  get some 
opinions.  I see some I agree with in this thread, and a couple on  which I 
might argue differently.  That said, it's hard to go  wrong with guys with 
long proven track records like Dennis 'Mr  Microphone' Oellig and Greg 
Heumann.  I know them  both as skilled customizers and ethical human beings. 
Listen to the opinions of the people you consider to have good  tone, 
definitely look at what they are using, but do not consider any  single opinion 
to be the gospel truth... go out and find what speaks to  your own unique 
needs and playing style.  If you are considering a  custom mic, seek a builder 
that has the knowledge, experience,  and properly equipped workspace to do 
the job correctly.   Some things always hold true when building custom 
microphones, one of them is  that quality takes time.  Approach with caution any 
'mic builder'  who churns out large quantities of custom mic's on a weekly 
An in-depth discussion of this topic is contained in my free Harp  Mic 
Buyers Guide.  This popular guide can be requested by  visiting harmonicaplanet 
.com   Useful regardless of where you acquire  your microphone.
Christopher Richards
Twin Tone Microphones - Tone Defender Cables
Harmonica Planet.com
In a message dated 3/13/2014 8:26:24 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time,  
harp-l-request@xxxxxxxxxx writes:

So what  is your favorite mic you have owned or currently own?    Joey

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