Re: [Harp-L] Re: Harp hygiene?
Boric Acid is bought in a drug store or grocery store drug's not very caustic at all but a 150 yr old wound cleanser.
Mike Wilbur
Chaser Key West Fishing
On Mar 12, 2014, at 4:16 PM, patpowers <patpowers@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Yes, you can re-infect yourself by not cleaning your harps - I've done it.
> I wouldn't use isopropyl, it leaves a bitter aftertaste and a white residue on the reeds.
> I wouldn't use any kind of acid either as it can etch the reeds.
> Straight vodka is the best mobile/temporary solution. I use this when anyone decides to "borrow" my harps when I'm not looking. Most bartenders will be happy to give a small glass of the cheap stuff at a reasonable cost if you tell them what it's for.
> At home I use an IMS-II solution to disinfect my harps. It works great, kills all kinds of funk, and leaves no residue or aftertaste. This is the stuff food service professionals use to sanitize their equipment. The manufacturer claims there's no need to rinse afterward, but I usually rinse quick in hot water. Never had a problem since using this stuff.
> Keep Harpin'
> Pat Powers
> ----- Original Message -----
> Harp hygiene? (Cljdm@xxxxxxx)
> Ok I need some opinions here. Can you reinfect yourself by playing a harp
> while sick then playing the same harp later without cleaning in between?
> I had bronchitis, played my harmonica as my symptoms were waning. 2 weeks
> later got sick again with sinus, sore throat and cough.
> My doctor thinks I played too soon, depositing bacteria which grew in the
> harp and caused my current ailment.
> Any opinions or experience with this sort of thing?
> Dale
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