[Harp-L] Interesting new tuning

I have recently tried an interesting new diatonic tuning and I wonder if anyone has seen it before. The 12-hole version that Seydel made for me has the following note arrangement (in the key of C but with D as its low note):

What is so special about this? It is the only tuning that has the following three properties:
(1) Regularity: Each octave should regularly repeat the same pattern, with draw higher than blow in each hole, and with notes going in the same direction (lower to higher) as you move from left to right.
(2) Cover a major scale without bends: The blow and draw notes should include all the notes of a major scale but no other notes, so that you don't have to worry about accidentally playing something out of the key.
(3) Cover the chromatic scale with bends: With draw bends (but no overblowing), you should be able to get all twelve notes of the chromatic scale in each octave.

These desirable properties can be achieved only by having five holes per octave. Here, in a C harp, each hole contains two notes separated by a whole-tone interval with one of the five black notes of the piano available as a draw bend in between them.

Since the black notes form a pentatonic scale, the blow notes and the draw notes each also form a pentatonic scale. Here the blow notes form an F-major (or D-minor) pentatonic scale, and the draw notes form a G-major (or E-minor) pentatonic scale. Essentially we have decomposed the seven-note major scale into two overlapping pentatonic scales, whose paired notes enclose the other five chromatic notes I believe that these are the pentatonic pairs that Willie Thomas talks about in jazzeveryone.com.

Gary Lehman suggested that this could be called "pentabender" tuning. I have been playing my new pentabender harp for couple of days, and I find it very natural and intuitive.

In Pat Missin's catalog of tunings, the closest cousins to this pentabender seem to be 11.18 "chromatic pentatonic" tuning and 11.24 "fourkey" tuning. Both also have five-hole octaves, but 11.18 contains only the notes of one pentatonic scale, and fourkey tuning includes the notes of four different major scales. Each octave in pentabender tuning contains three notes that repeat enharmonically in blow and draw, and if you flatten the draw enharmonic notes by a semitone then you get fourkey tuning.

If this natural tuning has been overlooked, it may be interesting to ask why. I think that there are two main reasons. First, it needs five holes per octave, which means that you can only get two octaves in a 10-hole harp. But I have enjoyed playing fourkey harmonicas with such a range for several years. Second, most people who think about altered tunings tend to look for ways to get nice chords in three-hole triads of contiguous blow or draw notes. However, this tuning (like fourkey tuning) was motivated by melodic properties, and so instead of nice triad chords we get pentatonic scales, which are basic melodic structure in many musical traditions.

This has also been discussed at Slidemeister.com at http://www.slidemeister.com/forums/index.php?topic=1205.390

-- Roger B. Myerson, Glen A. Lloyd Distinguished Service Professor Department of Economics, University of Chicago 1126 East 59th Street, Chicago, IL 60637 Phone: 773-834-9071, Fax: 773-702-8490 http://home.uchicago.edu/~rmyerson/

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