[Harp-L] For Sale

I'm primarily a bass player and collector of musical instruments. The following list of items have been in storage for quite a while, barely used and I need to sell it all to help pay for a new bass. Free shipping and I will consider best reasonable offers also as well as multiple discounts. Email for pics.

Lee Oskar Harps - A, Bb, C, D, E, Eb, F, G  tested a couple times and put away, barely used new condition $200

Hohner Special 20 -  A, Ab, B, Bb, C, D, Db, Low D, E, E Low, Eb, Eb Low, F, F Low, F#, G tested a couple times and put away, barely used new condition $450

Hering 6164 Deluxe Chromatic - customized by Pierre Herbineaux to fix rattling in lower register which seems common on this harp. Tested after custom work and put away, barely used new condition. $100

Electro Voice 638 mic - great condition $200

Electro Voice 664 mic - has a ding in the front screen  $80

Green Bullet 50's with April 1950 Black Label CR element, custom Shure green paint and wiring by Jeremy Snell $350

Astatic JT-30 with white CM 99B86, custom Shure green paint and wiring by Jeremy Snell $250

Astatic JT-30 with black 99H86, grey hammerite paint, wiring by Jeremy Snell $200

Shure 50's Bullet with black crinkle paint (original) with CM 99G86, new wiring by Chuck Gurney. Comes with matching black desk stand. $350

Very Rare 40's RCA Red Logo Grill, Shure Small Shell Bullet, Black CR Bullet with 1953 CR 99H86, custom original brown paint and wiring by Jeremy Snell $500

Shure Small Shell Bullet. Tag says Shure Crystal Microphone. Black 99H86 308 with custom small metal flake deep red paint and wiring by Jeremy Snell $450

1969 Shure Green Bullet with original white 99B86 and original paint and all properly wired by Jeffery Spoor of HarpMicGasgets.com $300

Shure Bullet, Tag says Controlled Reluctance Microphone Model MR-34C Stromberg-Carlson. Black 99H86 235, custom black body paint and custom grey metal flake grill and wiring by Jeremy Snell. Small nick on bottom of grill but touched up. $350

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