Re: Subject: Re: [Harp-L] Re: twin harmonica system

william price wrote:
<I donÃÂÂt quite understand why youÃÂÂre concerning yourself with Mr Hunter and me. Hunter and I have a little history. He started hurling unfounded <criticisms at my invention, which ironically for Mr. Hunter is the obvious impetus for Mr. powersÃÂÂ ÃÂÂwhole-tone" product.

First things first:
Whether or not my comments on your invention were unfounded, I apologized, publicly, for my negativity in those comments in the same forum (harptalk) in which said comments were originally posted.  As I recall, you accepted the apology, so I have no idea why you choose to bring the matter up now in this forum.  As I said in that apology, we'll see how the market responds to your invention. I have avoided comment on it, skeptical or otherwise, since. As it happens, I'm not terrifically skeptical about your invention; I'm sure that it works as advertised.  Whether it also happens to be the solution every harmonica player chooses to extend the instrument's tonality is a different question.  It's not important to me whether the answer is yes or no.  Players should use the gear that works for them and avoid the gear that doesn't, no matter what it costs.  Period.

Secondly, it's by no means obvious that your invention is the impetus for Brendan's product.  The fact that you had an idea is not proof that somebody else didn't have a similar idea more or less concurrently.  I've already pointed out that Brendan's invention is very different from yours in multiple ways, aside from the obvious fact that both are designed to couple two harmonicas, and in that sense they're not the same idea. However, if you believe that Brendan is violating your patent, you're free to explore your options with a lawyer. If you're offended by anyone who posts a question to Brendan about his offering on this list--which is all I did, so far as I know, to get this little party started--you can take it up with the list owner.

Thirdly, I'm much more interested in usable information about harmonicas and related gear than I am in continued name-calling, so I suggest that we all stick to the former and avoid the latter going forward.  

Whatever else you decide to say on this matter, I recommend that you not drag me into it again.  I'm not your problem.

Thanks, Richard Hunter

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