Re: [Harp-L] Higher end practice suggestions

What I do is try to play the same riff or melody that I play in the lower or middle octaves in the upper octave.

A good song to do this on is "Heartbreak Hotel" with the opening lyrics:

Well since my baby left me
I found a new place to dwell
It's down at the end of lonely street, at Heartbreak Hotel

On the middle octave, the tab (that I play) is:
6B 6B 6B 5D 4D 5D 6B    

6B 6B 6B 5D 4D 5D    

6B 6B 6D 7D 6D 6B 5D 4D 5B 5D 5B 4D 3D 4D

On the lower octave, the tab (that I play) is:
2D 2D 2D 2D'' 1D 2D'' 2D    

2D 2D 2D 2D" 2D 2D"   

2D 2D 3D" 3D 3D" 2D 2B 1D 2B 2D" 2B 1D 1B 1D

So on the upper octave, the tab (that I play) is:
9B 9B 9B 9D 8D 9D 9B   

9B 9B 9B 9D 8D 9D    

9B 9B 10D 10B 10D 9B 9D 8D 8B 9D 8B 8D 7D 8D  

Playing just the "Well since my baby left me", alternating each octave is a great exercise.

Add the little riff:  10B 10B 10B" 9B 9D 8D 9D 9B to the end, and do the similar riff on the other octaves... have fun with it !

Ken H in OH

On Thursday, April 24, 2014 4:03 PM, Grant Kester <gkester@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Harp-L'ers,

I have often struggled with the fact that I don't make enough use of the upper register of my diatonic harps (holes 7-10). I have some scales that I practice but I wondered if any of you had recommendations for fun riffs/tabs (blue or otherwise) that use the upper holes and that would make practicing more enjoyable.

Thanks for any advice!
Grant Kester

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