Re: [Harp-L] Cheat harmonicas

My 5 draw reeds go first, I lay on it pretty hard sometimes to get that
nasty 1/4 bend nice and full.

My seydel session steel however shows zero sign of wear.  Its an A so I
play the s##t out if it.  Plays today just like the day Greg sent it to
me.  It probably has over 100 hours of practicing on it!

Oh, wait.....this is the cheap harp thread.  My bad.  :)
On Jun 25, 2013 11:07 PM, "Tony Stephens" <tnysteph@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I love the stories on this subject. I have had a Huang, Big River, Special
> 20, Delta Frost & Lee Oskar. Huang & Big River were ok. Got 6 to 9 months
> out of them before a reed went out. Special 20 & Delta Frost I got about 12
> to 18 months out of the them. Lee Oskar is still going but I try to use
> them when I get to play with a band, so they have not been used as much.
> This from a guy that is still learning.
> Sent from my iPhone

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