[Harp-L] Re: SPAH Who's Going?

Answer to David :) :

Thank you David. Yes I am sure it is going to be a Great time and Feast  :) ... 
And it also better to be able to meet people for real when distance force you to use Internet to exchange (despite harmonica world being so small)

Answer to Joseph ;)  : 

Ha ha ha :)) ... Hello smo-Joe How are you since our last exchange ;) ? I am happy to see you for real soon...
I am looking over my head and don't see any satelite, or Drone... where is the double agent ;) ?!?? You may fire him, since he gave you the wrong name :)) ... We well know each other with Robert, but I was more thinking about Nicolas "Froggy" Fouquet who went at least two times and who tried sometimes to get me come with him :)) ...
Robert who is often  present at the important harmonica events in Europe and France, and who is doing a Great job on his blog : http://juke-myharmonicablog.blogspot.fr/ (that's where you see the difference between experienced real journalist and amator hamonica lover trying to share) 

PS: May have fun with some strong accents from various countries in St Louis...Magic ;))

> From: David Fairweather <dmf273@xxxxxxxxx>
> Patrice!  Welcome!  You will not regret it.   I personally guarantee that
> you will be in harmonica nirvana!
> And by the way,  yes I am going too.   I'm giving a presentation on Fourkey
> tuning with Roger Myerson.

> From: Joseph Leone <3n037@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> And I suppose Patrice's good friend is Rober' Koch. (I have spies everywhere..lolol)
> smo-joe


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