[Harp-L] Zoom G5 Page for Harmonica Players
Last night I had some time to finalize a first draft of my board. I
apologize that I forgot to upload sound samples before heading off for the
day. I won't have time to do that until tomorrow. The G5 comes with an
Edit and Share program that lets you create your banks and patches on the
computer and dump them to your G5. While I have to figure out how to
"share" the files for others to download, I did take two screen grabs
showing my first bank. I should note that I chose to NOT use an amp model.
I would prefer using my Tech 21 Para DI infront of the G5, or using the
Tube Boost as a preamp for harmonica. The amp models work fine, but are
overkill for me.
I did A/B recording direct with using a FD Combo amp model and the Tube
Boost. I found the direct to be awfully sterile, the FD Combo to have too
much gain even when set to zero (my personal taste anyways), and the Tube
Boost to sound the best. Essentially, you can mix in the tone of a 12ax7
tube and control the tone via a low-high knob (think of it as a Tweed
Princeton-like EQ knob). I don't think I have a 12ay7 lying around, but
will try a couple of different tubes. You can also tweak the unit via trim
pots. This will take a couple hours of noodling, but I think it is VERY
likely that I can use this unit as an all-in-one to play straight to the PA.
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