Re: [Harp-L] REtirement from Videos and Posts

We have all been there...usually this has to to with acknowledging a person we feel to be a mentor and we are disappointed that they may not respond to our praise !
Then we find out they have " feet of Clay ! "

Mike Wilbur

On Jan 10, 2013, at 9:20 PM, Roger Beck <beckmeister1@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Elizabeth writes:
> "Then there's the other side of the coin, Dave. When a person who  respects 
> you has made a point to make POSITIVE comments on your videos  or to have 
> praised you over the years for your contributions not only on list  but ON 
> your videos and to countless other people purely to build up your watch  list 
> or your 'likes' yet gets NO feedback whatsoever: Zero. Zilch. Nada,  while 
> noticing that you DO respond with a fair amount of alacrity to specific  other 
> people, it tells the responder something and they eventually stop  wasting 
> their time."
> I wrote earlier that I am guilty of not writing to compliment in an earlier post.  Thank you Elizabeth for reminding me 
> of the last time I DID respond in that fashion to someone.  I sent a "job well done" to a certain author of harmonica books for dummies
> and received exactly the response you're mentioning above. Nada! Makes you feel real insignificant to the cognoscenti and also says
> ta heck with that!  Roger

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