Re: [Harp-L] Ironwood Combs

I would imagine that the ironwood in Ontario is the same as the ironwood in West Virginia. I dunno the exact name of the species of tree they have out West, but that's what people usually talk about when they talk about ironwood is that tree. 
Ironwood in the east is a tree called Eastern Hophornbeam. They are two totally different trees. 
That's just FYI (For Y'all's Information).

We made bows in Boy Scouts for the Indian Lore merit badge. Everybody's bow broke, because we didn't understand at the time about stress distribution in a bow. Everybody's bow broke except mine and the only reason it didn't was that I used hophornbeam. It's an incredible wood with remarkable properties. It's not as good-looking as this western wood. It's a pretty plain Jane wood and it would be really hard to work. But it would be strong and awesome. 

David Payne

 From: Kevin Hamilton <kham27@xxxxxxxxx>
To: HARP-L <harp-l@xxxxxxxxxx> 
Sent: Tuesday, January 1, 2013 1:40 PM
Subject: [Harp-L] Ironwood Combs
Hi all.

I have a question about ironwood combs. I live in Ontario and there is
a lot of ironwood around my house in the woodlot as it is a native
species to carolinian forest.

Couple of questions.

Is anyone making combs with it? (It is as hard a wood as you can find)
Doe's it swell?

There is no shortage of it around these parts because no one wants to
cut it down due to it's density and axe dulling abilities!



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