Re: [Harp-L] Re: [HarpTalk] World Harmonica Festival report
The competition performance given by first-place winner Greg Miller in the solo diatonic jazz category is this one:
He plays "It Don't Mean a Thing (If it Ain't Got That Swing)" (although he mis-stated the title both from the stage and in the program as "I Don't Mean a Thing"
Winslow Yerxa
Author, Harmonica For Dummies, ISBN 978-0-470-33729-5
Harmonica Basics For Dummies, ASIN B005KIYPFS
Blues Harmonica For Dummies, ISBN 978-1-1182-5269-7
Resident Harmonica Expert,
Instructor, Jazzschool for Music Study and Performance
From: The Iceman <icemanle@xxxxxxx>
To: winslowyerxa@xxxxxxxxx; harp-l@xxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Friday, December 6, 2013 12:16 PM
Subject: Re: [Harp-L] Re: [HarpTalk] World Harmonica Festival report
I saw a youtube video of the jazz winner playing Amazing Grace at the competition. I remember being impressed by the big screen behind him that was showing a representation of the harmonica notes he was playing in real time.
Was I mistaken and this was not the jazz winner?
-----Original Message-----
From: Winslow Yerxa <winslowyerxa@xxxxxxxxx>
To: harp-l <harp-l@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Fri, Dec 6, 2013 1:51 pm
Subject: Re: [Harp-L] Re: [HarpTalk] World Harmonica Festival report
Larry, what are you basing your assessment on? Do you have a recording of he
complete solo? During that competition I definitely heard a lot of Howard's licks, gestures,
and doodads. But nothing among that stuff that rose to the level of Howard's
playing. (Of course, by the same token I've heard many Juke renditions that
didn't hold a candle out to Little Walter, either). The clear winner to my ear was Marcin Dyjak from Poland. His tone was
consistent, without overly-bright that Draw5/6 "hot spot," his lines made sense
harmonically and rhythmically, and was free of doodads, bends-just-because-you-can,
busy-busy-busy licks, and all the other stuff that marred the playing of even
the highly placed competitors. Above all else, his playing was musical and
satisfying to listen to. He came in second, so at least the quality of his work
was recognized. Winslow
Winslow Yerxa
Author, Harmonica For Dummies, ISBN 978-0-470-33729-5
Harmonica Basics For Dummies, ASIN B005KIYPFS
Blues Harmonica For Dummies, ISBN 978-1-1182-5269-7
Resident Harmonica Expert,
Instructor, Jazzschool for Music Study and Performance ________________________________ From: The Iceman <icemanle@xxxxxxx>
To: harp-l@xxxxxxxxxx Sent: Friday, December 6, 2013 7:13 AM
Subject: Re: [Harp-L] Re: [HarpTalk] World Harmonica Festival report Well, it sounded very similar to a live version that I heard Howard play in
Savannah. Also, Carlos del Junco is a big fan of Howard and has a lot of his
"bootleg live recordings". Carlos did a version that is very similar. So, while it may not have been "note for note", it was based on a Howard solo,
unless Howard heard this guy first and then copied him...
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