[Harp-L] RE: SPAH award criteria...but SPAH

I don't want to enter to something which would sound as negative...especialy regarding Harmonica and SPAH (I don't write that because taking off toomorow afternoon to be with you all along SPAH convention ;) )...

Just I would ask some question...just get some people to think about it...

Is it not matter of culture which can vary from one country to an other ? The approach, needs, etc...is different according to the country, the experience of the people (culture, history, different needs and priority, economy and effects on culture since culture is also often a first victim while crisis...)

There was/is the IHO, but that seems to be spleeping since the last president passed away ?!??...

There is SPAH and I believe many people like me (in Europe) appreciate a lot the initiative !...

For me SPAH represent more than Harmonica, this is about something where harmonica is the center but perhaps the best key to something larger again going with humanity and authenticity !?... Personnaly harmonica and music represent lots of very positive values, also a way to meet great people from various part of the world (not only musicians, people with their culture etc...Some people from SPAH don't play harmonica at all) 

Also I trust that the more you are open to the world, the more people fill concerned (so many things all around the world that we don't know about) ... 
Also when things mainly happend at 4000Miles, people fill less concerned... 

Also Internet is something still quite new (like a baby) that we all are perhaps not ready to use at its best interests because its effects are multiple and do not always help to communicate (paradox) like TV images (image can express the same like the reverse of realities...without the context and matching cultural references)...  

Perhaps just never give up regarding the results...as soon as we are happy to share, to meet, to ? Without expecting something in return. Kind of spirit... 

In reality I guess all is very complex...but like the world... 

Patrice Rayon
PS: Sorry for my english...a bit more difficult for me to express my felling about it (And some of you may smile to my strong accent next week ;))) ...No problem :) ...)

> Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2013 19:29:27 +0000 (UTC)
> From: Jerry Deall <jdeall@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: [Harp-L] Re: SPAH award criteria
> To: Richard Hunter <turtlehill@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> I run into a lot of harp players who have either never heard of SPAH, or just didn't know much about it. 
> Question is do we provide "Attraction over Promotion" 
> Thanks Jerry, 


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