[Harp-L] pricing harmonicas

Hohner sells a 7-harp set of Blueband harmonicas -- G,A,Bb,C,D,E,F for about $30 street. Hohner sells a Piedmont box set for about $10 cheaper. The Bluesband is the same cardboard boxed $6 model that you can find next to the cash register in any Cracker Barrel restaurant along the highway. The Bluesband has chrome covers and the Piedmont plastic -- so the Bluesband is more slippery in the mouth. 

The 7-harp box is semi-hard zipper lid and not a bad carry case. If you look around you can buy the empty case for about $20.  

Nobody would consider a Bluesband -- or the 7-harp set -- for a regular daily professional gig. But if you don't have a set of harps and want to find out what  different keys sound like, this is most cost effective way to find out. Say: compared to $30 each for 7 Marine Bands or SP 20s.

Also it's good to know that if you left home without one and you crave a harp, the next Cracker Barrel is only a few miles down the road!

Some people swear by the basic Marine Band; others swear at them. Me, I tend to favor them because I just love the taste of wood!

hope this helps,



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