Re: [Harp-L] naming positions with Spiral tuning

On Sat, Oct 20, 2012 at 3:32 AM, Mox Gowland wrote:

  The chosen tonality of the music can be Major OR Minor
  Therefore playing in D MAJOR on a C harmonica puts me in 3rd position

>Hi Mox,
I can see that 3P on C harp is D, but I hear D minor rather than Major. 
Am I misunderstanding the explanation?
Robert Hale Spiral Advocate<

yes !

On a C spiral (C major scale = 2 draw to 6 blow)

D ,  E  , F , G , A ,  B , C , D  
= D minor (Dorien) extropolated from the C Major scale
3b, 3d, 4b, 4d, 5b, 5d, 6b, 6d
your only hearing D minor (Dorien)
1    2   flat3  4  5  6  flat7  1

Where as ;

D,  E ,  F#, G,   A,   B, C#,  D 
= D Major (Ionien) 
3b, 3d, 4'd, 4d, 5b, 5d, 6'd, 6d
= Tonic scale = P 2#
1  2  3  4  5  6  7


BTW these are just sacles, on there own they do not define a tonality. 

Warning to standerd blues harp players
- these tabs played on a Richter tuned harmonica in C give, 
G B C   D E F G   A 
G B C# D E F G# A 
which has nothing do do with the subject at hand

hoping this is not too confusing
(please excuse my engliche)

Surréalisme : 
Vous avez deux girafes. 
Le gouvernement vous impose de leur donner des leçons d'harmonica.

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