Re: [Harp-L] Civil War harmonica
On Nov 14, 2012, at 4:31 PM, MANFRED WEWERS wrote:
> This same harmonica was for sale in Nov of 2011 on ebay.
HOW convenient. Co-in-chi-den-za ?
> Didn't sell!?
Proving Barnum was wrong. Apparently a sucker wasn't born the correct minute match up with this harmonica.
> A dealer in Gettysburg wanted $600.00 last year for an alleged CW harmonica that was also pretty convincing looking.
How ironic that the dealer would be from Gettysburg. A little subliminal inference here? I happen to have a friend whose wife is into antique furniture. My friend just brought back a load of it.........from......wait.....drum roll..... that's right.....Gettysburg.
> I have yet to see a CW diary/letter/journal (there are many) that mentions a harmonica.
Same here. And I have had numerous books.
> I've been searching for many years and am still optimistic.
Dave Payne has already shot an old diatonic with a buffalo rifle to see if he could duplicate a war relic. The harp blew to bits. I think the word 'Buffalo' figures heavily into this scenario. lololol
smo-joe (Not from Broward or Dade counties...where they have trouble counting votes)
> Manfred
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