Re: [Harp-L] Pro Junior tubes
6P1P is a different pin out to EL84, it won't work in a EL84 amp.
There are plenty of decent, affordable EL84 tubes about from JJ & Russia, no need to risk burning something out.
Pro Jrs, Blues Jrs & Laney LC 15 are all "fixed bias". It is normal to check plate current at idle when swapping power tubes in a fixed bias amp to ensure proper operation & that you won't burn anything up...EL84 are pretty sturdy though, but better safe than sorry.
tThe 12AX7 tubes are cathode biased and can be safely changed for other 12A#7 without any need for current checks/tech time.
From: Rick Davis <bluesharpamps@xxxxxxxxx>
To: Robert Hale <robert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Harp- L <Harp-L@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, 10 May 2012, 20:12
Subject: Re: [Harp-L] Pro Junior tubes
Robert, I don't think it is really practical to change away from one
family of power tubes to another. A Pro Jr amp can be made to sound
pretty decent even with the EL84 tubes. It is not meant to compete
with (and cannot compare to) other amps more suitable to good harp
tone. But as a practice amp and for jamming it is fine.
-Rick Davis
On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 1:04 PM, Robert Hale <robert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 11:10 AM, Timothy Kane <hawkeyekane@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>> would a 6P1P, 6P1P-EV, or a 6P1 work? The first two were Soviet made and
>> the third Chinese made. The 6P1P was replaced by the 6P14P which was a
>> match in ratings for the common 6BQ5/EL84
> Hi Tim,
> Thanks for the suggestions. I'm overwhelmed by the articles on harp amp
> tubes! And I'm willing to do my homework.
> 1. each author has an opinion
> 2. Most say "experiment" (and I have, quite a bit)
> Apart from sheer preference of the ears, seems like there would be a
> distilled pool of knowledge by now, by those who have DONE all the
> experimenting.
> (I know, I'm sounding like I want someone to tell me what to do, so I won't
> feel any of the pain and disappointment of experience.)
> Robert Hale
> See you at SPAH2012
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