Re: [Harp-L] Hazmats in Hamburg feat. Baker

He's using a Electro Voice Re10 mic into his wireless system... this goes to his Electro Harmonix HOG ( guitar synthesizer )+ expression pedal + 6 footswitch/preset pedal.
Most of the times he's using a Fender Bassman for his amplified sound. 

Ben Bouman

Op 21 jun 2012, om 19:09 heeft fjm het volgende geschreven:

> Hazmat Modine being pretty much my favourite band out there currently that has harmonica in the mix.  So what the heck effect(s) unit(s) was Wade Schuman playing through?  The only thing I could identify was a wah pedal.  I want that intro sound he was using.  Wow!  fjm

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