[Harp-L] ZIp Line Harmonica...at 101 - Lesson 1

I like when my interests converge in a heartwarming story: Here's a news article and video clip about Dorothy Custer celebrating her 101st birthday playing harmonica on a zip line tour "because it is part of me."


My first lesson to new harmonica players is to buy a harmonica and carry it with you, in your pocket, everywhere, even when you are zip lining!. There's no reason not to. Then you play 5 minutes here, 2 minutes there, whenever you want. Go to Crackle Barrel Restaurant where a playable harmonica can be bought for under $10.00. Cheap is an important component because then you won't freak if it gets broken, if you sit on it or lose it. I know if they are serious when they have it the next time I see them. It's awesome when someone runs up to me saying "here it is, in my pocket, check this out," and they start playing.

The next "lesson" is to throw away the instruction paper, to free the person to explore the instrument. Lesson 1A is to inhale first to break the habit of exhaling first...because I feel one has to suck before they blow.


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Team Solutions, Florida: http://www.teamsolutionsfla.com
Florida International University: http://trac.fiu.edu/
Florida Atlantic University (Go Owls) - http://wise.fau.edu/ropes/
The Leadership Ranch: http://www.leadershipranch.com

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Clayton Goldstein

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