Subject: Re: [Harp-L] Personal Monitor

Hearing yourself when playing next to horns and guitars was a problem for me
for a long time.  I adjusted after time.  Another approach is to use In-Ear
monitors or separate monitor speakers with a digital board.  I have a
Presonus 16.0.2 digital board which has 4 Aux out puts.  Each Aux output can
be directed to monitors, in-ear or stand alone, and has adjustments to
tailor the mix just for you.  For example, I use Aux 1 and then individually
adjust each channel (piano, guitar, horns) to show up in my monitor
according to my needs.  The remaining, Aux 2 - Aux 4, can be adjusted for
the tastes of the other musicians.

By the way, that is only part of the capability of the new digital boards..
Fantastic devices


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