Re: [Harp-L] Will Harp-L go away for good in October? IMPORTANT.

I'm a computer geek by trade and I would be willing to pitch in on the tech side.  Do you know what platform and OS Listserv is currently running on?  Listserv is 25 year old technology.  Any thoughts of moving Harp-L to a forum software package?


On Aug 15, 2012, at 8:25 AM, "William Lifford, CP" <william.lifford@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hello all Harp-L'ers,
> /(obligatory harmonica content:  I thought I was really awesome at playing the harmonica, until I joined Harp-L and found what truly awesome players can do with a harp.  Boy, that was a rough couple of weeks, adjusting to my non-awesomeness.)/
> I'm not a prolific poster on Harp-L, but have been a member for many years (and I even produced one of Harp-L's compilations a ways back) and I enjoy the list greatly.  But I need to remind all of you about something.
> Our listowner is RETIRING in October 2012.  He mentioned this a year ago, and some discussions about what to do were bandied about on the Harp-L 'Meta Discussion' Google groups list, but they kind of died out -- and currently there is NO succession plan.  Basically, Harp-L will cease to exist by November 2012 if we do not band together and do something about it.
> I am am willing to volunteer to become the new Harp-L listowner. But I cannot even come close to fulfilling all the responsibilities of the job, because I'm not well versed in computer stuff.  The only way I could do this would be if I had the help of others.
> Hopefully my sounding the alarm will cause someone way more qualified than I to step up and say "I will be the new listowner", but maybe not.  I therefore ask all of you:
> 1.  Do all of you want Harp-L to continue?
> 2.  Do any of you have any experience with Listserves or any of that stuff?  If so, is there a concrete list of tasks that need to be done on a regular basis to make this list continue to stay viable? Please tell me so that we can find people to help with these tasks.
> 3.  Would some of you be willing to partner up with me or somebody else and keep this list running?  I read pretty much every post and certainly could help with moderating.  But I am simply not qualified now (though I am willing to learn) to do the computer-end of stuff required to manage Harp-L.
> 4.  Are all of you willing to put up with the mistakes I will invariably make while learning to manage the list?
> Thanks for listening/reading.  I think Harp-L is just too good to let it die out.
> Bill Lifford
> -- 
> William Lifford, CP
> Progressive O&P, Inc.
> 1111 Willis Avenue
> Albertson, NY 11507
> 516-338-8585

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