[Harp-L] humor on harp-l

I'm posting this reminder for a couple of reasons.  One to remind folks
that we do have rules and that the posting guidelines need to be followed.
 A copy of those rules can be found here,


another reason for my post is that every now and again people need to be
reminded that the list does have an owner and that the owner entity is
present and responsible for dealing with the content and environment of
the list.  Most of that work takes place out of the public eye.  In other
words if you think something is amiss with the list please do write me, it
is very likely that I've seen the problem too and that intervention is in

My final comment is to append that the rules of harp-l do not explicitly
state what I consider to be the the most important guideline for the list.
 That is please, no meta discussion.  Discussions about the discussions. 
For more on that please see this really good article,


the pertinent quotation from the rules of harp-l is below, thanks,

Posting  -  Do you have anything to say?

   It is always tempting to reply to any given message with some witty
   remark, or off-topic comment.  This is OK on small / low-volume lists,
   but on a high-volume, large list it can rapidly become a problem of
   epidemic scale.  Please keep these exchanges as person-to-person e-mail,
   not through the list.  This doesn't mean you can't include the cute or
   humorous stuff in other messages with some harp related content, but
   let's not get carried away.

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