RE: [Harp-L] Meat and Potatoes 56 is up! Mixolydian scale and 2nd position and a jam!

Hi Michael-
I have watched some of your instructional vids as well as others that use the circle of 5ths to explain positions. I think the stuff you put out there is really good but here's the thing: When using the circle of 5ths you say "you have to tell the band to play in key=X". In my experience it is usually the other way around. The band tells the harp player to play in the key of X. Therefore using the circle of 5ths becomes confusing and is nearly useless.

I would like to see you explain the circle of 4ths so that when a harp player is, let's say sitting in, and the band says "this song is in G, the harp player can simply count up to the 4th degree of a G maj scale which is Harp key=C. Or the band says Dm and then you double the 4rth and arrive at harp key=C (for dorian) and so on.

I am interested in seeing if anyone other than myself thinks in this manner. It's just the way I figured things out way back before youtube and really good instructional material was available.

Keep up the good work.

> Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2011 11:13:53 -0600
> From: michaelrubinharmonica@xxxxxxxxx
> To: harp-l@xxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [Harp-L] Meat and Potatoes 56 is up! Mixolydian scale and 2nd	position and a jam!
> Thanks, enjoy!
> Michael Rubin

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