Re: [Harp-L] Manji
Nice harp but the back of it has no support and caves in surprisingly easy.
Easier than any other harp I've ever bought in fact. Ya think with 60+
years in the business the harp that Mr Suzuki makes with that collective
knowledge fails on the cover plate front. Sounds great and overblows nicely
for out of the box though.
On 9 November 2011 11:02, Bob Cohen <bob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Great harp--especially for off the shelf.
> Bob
> Sent from Bob's iPhone
> On Nov 9, 2011, at 10:25 AM, "davymax" <davymax@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Hi guys. Can anyone tell me about the Manji harp? I was thinking about
> trying one, but would kind of like to get some feedback from the list.
> >
> > Thank you to all who respond.
> >
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