...A short synopsis: U-blocking does not involve the END of the tongue to
get good sound (including deep bends). Each person has a "groove" running
down the center of the tongue. That "groove" is pushed forward against the
harp to block out the holes on either side of the desired hole. The TIP
of the tongue is NOT used. You can "prove" you can "groove" by simply laying
an index finger along the center of your tongue, well past the teeth (if you
have them, or the gums if you don't have them). Press down lightly, much
lighter than your doctor when he gags you with a tongue depressor. When you
pop your finger toward the roof of your mouth, you'll find a little suction
on your finger. THAT is where the "groove" in your tongue is, and THAT is what
you use to U-block. The TIP of the tongue actually slides up underneath the
harp, out of the way. (No, my other brother Darrell, you don't extend the tongue
outside of your mouth and into the back of the harp.)...<clippage>