[Harp-L] Steve Wonder's pizzicato - available with a tongue block?
- To: "Harp-l@xxxxxxxxxx" <Harp-L@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [Harp-L] Steve Wonder's pizzicato - available with a tongue block?
- From: Paul Cantin <pcantin@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2011 15:53:22 -0400
- Authentication-results: cdptpa-omtalb.mail.rr.com smtp.user=pcantin@cfl.rr.com; auth=pass (PLAIN)
- Cc:
Joey said!!"It all goes back to childhood and times when one wasn't
picked for a team. One had to buck up and live with these things. Not
like nowadays, when kids are carried around on cushions. Ergo, I'm not
too sensitive. I've been stabbed, I've been shot. Itsa no bigga deal."
If you Love the Blues
Honk Your Hohner
La vie a la retraite est merveilleuse
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