RE: [Harp-L] Cost of harps
Everything is increasing in price not because the manufacturers are raising prices, but because the magical central bank of the US (FED) has continued to dump money into a failing economy and cause inflation that is out of control, devaluing our currency. A few get super rich while the masses are heading for a third world country. Create money out of thin air, ship manufacturers to other countries and give everyone credit regardless of whether they can afford it or not. Thats free market at its best. lol
> From: rlwilliger@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> To: harp-l@xxxxxxxxxx
> Date: Fri, 1 Jul 2011 11:47:19 -0400
> Subject: [Harp-L] Cost of harps
> I received the same email about the increasing cost of harmonicas. I, like
> most people, see both sides of price increases. I, like most people, don't
> want to have to pay any more for anything than I have to. I also, at some
> point, have to make a determination as to how much I'm willing to spend for
> anything, be it a harmonica or a car. It never ceases to amaze me that
> retailers/manufacturers increase prices when people are least able to afford
> their product, such as now - in America. However, America ain't the only
> market, and folks, the dollar is worth less and less every day.
> I don't have an answer to the problem (either about the domestic or world
> economy, or the value -v- price of harmonicas). I am, and have been (moreso
> recently) double-thinking before I spend any money for my purchases. I am
> revisiting my prior purchases, and am getting out my repair/modification
> video (thanks, Rupert Oysler) and my repair tools (thanks, Lee Oskar). I
> don't know the answer; I just felt like venting, and also suggesting that
> we become a less disposable society; as my now departed father-in-law used
> to say: "Use it up. Wear it out. Make it do or do without."
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