I've been meaning to thank Gary for his innovative concept and excellent
video describing his modifications to the K&M rack. I made one for
myself per his video and it is as Gary says, much better, with a far
greater ability to adjust the rack to make it more comfortable. It
actually made mine usable as the original design just wouldn't fit me
correctly, making it very uncomfortable to use. Gary's modfications
turned a useless rack into the best one I've ever tried (though I have
admittedly not tried Vern's "Maserati" rack). It's so far and away
superior to the old "clothes hanger" style racks that it isn't funny.
Incidentally, if you are interested in making one of Gary's modded K&M
racks, B&H Photo-video has some good prices:
You'll see there are three models on that page. The $12.99 one is not of
the quality of the other two. I find that the $15.99 has a metal clip
with tabs for the harps that I prefer over the rubber covered clamp
style of the $25.00 model. Buy two of the $15.99 ones and you will have
the parts to make one of Gary's modded racks for under $32. If you
prefer the rubber covered harp clamps, get one of the $25 ones and one
of the $15.99 ones. I have both and can verify that the parts are
interchangeable other than the aforementioned different style harp clamps.*
So thanks, Gary. Your modification to the K&M rack makes it what I call
the "Poor Man's Ergonomic Harp Rack!"
* OK, I just can't help but re-tell the story of the infamous K&M harp
rack debacle...
My harmonica mentor, Harry Harpoon, was opening for a fairly big act; I
think it was Jimmy Thackery or Tab Benoit. After watching him fumble and
fuss with his ancient coat-hanger style rack, on which he had rebuilt
the silly thumbscrew locking mechanism dozens of times, I had gifted him
with a K&M rack (the style with the rubber-coated harp clamps). The
knurled knob locking mechanism of the K&M brought immediate approval,
but he wasn't sure about those rubber-coated harp clamps. Turns out his
concerns were well-founded. Harry came out for his opening tune, sat
down and tried to fix his harp in those rubber-coated clamps. I could
sense trouble. Then all of a sudden, the harp shot out of the rack, over
his bass drum and bounced onto the stage 10-12 feet in front of him. I
was mortified when I saw him calmly rise from his seat, walk out in
front of his one-man band set up and retrieve the errant harmonica. He
then had to go to his harp kit, get his rickety, yet trusty hanger-style
rack, return to his seat and finally begin his opening tune. All the
while the audience waiting in anticipation of the evening's music. The
whole debacle seemed to take an hour or so, even though it probably took
only a few extra seconds. It nigh on to killed me to think I had caused
him all this embarrassment.
Lesson learned: Now you know why I prefer the tabbed metal-style harp clamp!