Re: [Harp-L] Reading music
Music notation and music theory are two different things but all too
often they are conflated. Theory serves to predict. Notation serves to
communicate. One need not know how to read/write music (in conventional
notation or otherwise) to learn music theory.
Now, whether music theory performs adequately as a predictor of what will
sound good and what will not is a different can of worms.
> point taken.
> I'd always heard the IV to I, plagal cadenece described as the "Amen
> cadence," never the V to I.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Arthur Jennings <timeistight@xxxxxxxxx>
> To: The Iceman <icemanle@xxxxxxx>
> Sent: Mon, Jan 31, 2011 7:56 am
> Subject: Re: [Harp-L] Reading music
> I'd always heard the IV to I, plagal cadenece described as the "Amen
> cadence," never the V to I.
> On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 9:08 AM, The Iceman <icemanle@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Learning theory/reading music creates "mental block" in a lot of people.
> Sort of a frozen fear of the unknown.
> It helps to remember that music came first. The theory/reading came later
> to try to quantify the music. Theory is not set in stone, as so much of
> what you learn theory wise you also learn the exceptions to the rules.
> Don't approach it as a monumental task. There are music appreciation
> courses on CD and at community colleges that can introduce you to this
> arena (mostly through classical music) with a minimum of anxiety. It
> becomes big fun as you start to develop a sense of ability to hear
> "inside" the music and understand what is going on from an
> emotional/intellectual combination.
> To me, music is all about tension/release. I learned Shanker Layer
> Analysis of music in college. By backing up layer by layer, almost all
> great symphonies can be analyzed as a V-I progression, the ultimate
> simplified tension/release musical state. (V-I sounds like "A-men" - the
> religious musical endings many of us are familiar with. The tension is
> produced by singing the "A" part, which doesn't release the tension or
> resolve till you sing "men").
> This is a good place to start.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Aongus Mac Cana <amaccana@xxxxxxxxxx>
> To: harp-l <harp-l@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Mon, Jan 31, 2011 6:32 am
> Subject: [Harp-L] Reading music
> I agree with those who say it is worthwhile to learn to read music and I
> aspire to do so. However at age 74 I have cut it a bit fine.
> In the loose group of musicians I sometimes try to play Irish trad with,
> they dish out sheet music of the tunes we are playing to all who require
> it.
> I notice that the youngsters who have received some formal music teaching
> all seem to need the written music and in fact seem almost lost without
> it.
> I on the other hand take the sheet music, but only use it "for forensic
> dissection of the bar or two I can't get by ear, in the privacy of my own
> home"
> A few years ago I picked up a seriously cheap book called "The Right Way
> to
> Read Music" in a bookshop in Clifden, Co. Galway. This book I found to be
> a
> very accessible source of all the musical theory "I needed to know". I
> think
> it is still available "for buttons" new and secondhand from Amazon and the
> like.
> There is a world of difference however in knowing what the notes are and
> being able to sight read fast enough to play what you see.
> In my fifties I learned how to touch type from a cheap and cheerful
> computer
> instruction programme. I hoped, on my retirement that I would be able to
> apply the same methodology to learning music reading, but alas have not
> succeeded so far. However some very helpful prominent harp-l listers have
> volunteered me useful tips off line, for which I am very grateful. I will
> express my gratitude by not naming them - I reckon they have troubles
> enough
> already without being deluged with requests for enlightenment.
> Beannachtai
> Aongus Mac Cana
> --
> Arthur Jennings
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