Re: [Harp-L] Aebersold Chord Notation Questions
The +4 is probably a suspended fourth so: Eb G Ab. Maybe you can add the
major 7th. Let your ear be your guide there.
If the +4 is in parentheses then it probably means that it is considered
an optional alteration of the chord.
The degree vs slashed-zero may denote diminished vs half-diminished.
Do the Aebersold books have a symbols guide near the table of contents?
> I just got Jamey Aebersold's "Autumn Leaves" play-along book. There
> is a chord symbol here that I don't know how to decipher: It's
> Eb<triangle>+4. I've seen the triangle before, and take it to mean
> major 7th. And I would think that "+4" means augmented 4th. So,
> would the notes for this chord be Eb G A Bb D?
> There is another measure where the "+4" is in parentheses,
> Eb<triangle>(+4). What's the difference...?
> In the last measure of the coda there is G - <triangle> Would that be
> a G minor triad with a major 7th on top, i.e. G Bb D F#?
> There are numerous instances of a chord letter followed by a zero with
> a slash through it, which I've been interpreting as a diminished
> chord, but here, in the song, "Witchcraft" we have both a zero with a
> slash through it AND a little circle that looks like a degree symbol
> (as in Fahrenheit or Centigrade, in other contexts). Is one of these
> diminished, then, and the other something else? And what would the
> something else be?
> This is my first Aebersold book. It's Volume 44. Maybe there's a
> legend in Volume 1? (That book is on order, but hasn't arrived yet.)
> Thanks in advance.
> Elizabeth (aka "Tin Lizzie")
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