Re: [Harp-L] Why fourkey tuning?

Both of these posts were well written--not everyone is going to be
interested in alternate tunings, but Roger makes this one easier to
I guess I should study this one more frequently--it has some similarities to
a tuning I use routinely, the IV6/V6 tuning. Brendan Power calls this Power
Chromatic, Blow is Bb D F G and draw is C E G A on a F instrument. Contrast
that with Fourkey, which would be C D F G Bb blow and C# E F# A B--so the
four blow notes are the same as four of the five Fourkey blow notes, and two
of the holes have the same blow and draw notes (holes 2 and 4).

On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 9:14 PM, Roger Myerson <myerson@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> For people who wonder what is so special about fourkey tuning, I posted a
> short explanation of the unique properties that characterize it at
> This note is a summary of what Andy Newton discovered in 2007.
> Another shorter derivation is also given below at
> -Roger

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