[Harp-L] too much??? PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING!!!!

Discussions regarding the merits of harp-l list content cannot occur on
the harp-l list.  They are meta discussion and  meta discussion except for
my posts in this role are discouraged.  This includes replies, atta boys
and you go girls.  If somebody trolls the list my expectation is that
everyone will just ignore the post and get on with business as usual.  I
do apologise for the long gap between initiation and intervention. Let me
state emphatically, this discussion is dead.  Do not post on this topic
any more.

Ok, if you have input regarding list content then write me.  Let me know
what your thoughts are and we'll see what we can do. I might not always
agree but I will always consider the input. thanks, harp-l-listowner

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