Re: [Harp-L] Chromatic technique
Hi Tony
David's the man. I have his new CD. Totally dig'n it!
Actually the question is not bluegrass-centric. I would like to here from
anybody that can play this type of action rapidly and cleanly.
> A previous post wrote
> "I have been playing chromatic harmonica since April 2010. As I continue
> my
> efforts to develop the speed and accuracy that I will need to play at
> bluegrass jams I find that there is one particular type of action that
> seems to be a speed development bottleneck for me. "
> David Naiditch is the man to help you with this. While you're at it,
> check out his great new CD, "Bluegrass Harmonica, available at
> Tony Eyers
> Australia
> ...everyone plays
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