[Harp-L] Historical / Hysterical History

To all:

Here is something I put together a while back, intending
to publish it this coming November, but I just can't wait.

So here it is - just think of today as being November 11, 2011.

The "once in a lifetime" comment is a bit of an understatement!

Best to all,

*Hey Everybody -
Tonight at 11:11pm we see a once in a lifetime event!
Not really - it happened at 11:11am today as well.
But consider this:
On both occasions today, we will experience the following:*


*That then will be:
November 11, 2011 at 11 seconds and 11 minutes after the 11th hour! *

PO Box 5061
Hudson, FL 34674-5061

* http://www.bassharp.com/bh_itin.htm
* http://www.bassharp.com/bassharp.htm


George Fields CD Info:
 * http://www.bassharp.com/fields.htm
 * http://www.bassharp.com/fields-a.htm
 * http://www.bassharp.com/fields-d.htm

Dave McKelvy Tribute DVD Set:
 * http://www.bassharp.com/mckelvytribute.htm

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