RE: [Harp-L] Digitech Question
The actual effects available on the pedal is a more important
consideration, once you've picked a pedal that does what you
want you can always match your microphone to the pedal's input.
Having said that, I picked a vocal processor (a Boss VE-20) partially
because I could plug my SM-58 microphone straight into it, but I
just wanted to expand the palette of timbres available and wasn't
aiming to reproduce any particular sound.
> From: jeanchar50@xxxxxxx
> To: harp-l@xxxxxxxxxx
> Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2010 01:06:18 -0700
> Subject: [Harp-L] Digitech Question
> If one were to use a digitech effects pedal for harmonica, wouldn't one
> be better off with a vocal processor, where input would be expected to come from
> a microphone, as opposed to a guitar effects processor, where input would be expected to
> come from a guitar pickup?
> Just wondering and thanks,
> Charles
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